My mission and goal is to create a display showroom for future driverless car in a dynamic space with many different areas where people can easily test cars in a fast way and enjoy using high technology systems such as Robotics.
The idea of linear have the form of resembling a line and creates a narrow and elongated. A linear creates long and narrow, with nearly parallel sides that makes a step by step into a logical manner. The curvilinear is a formed, bounded, and characterized by curved line. The curvilinear form is sympathetic to the body, mind and spirit.
Other showrooms have test driving outside of the showroom. What if the test driving happened in the showroom? Since this showroom is for a car that drives itself, this is highlighted and put on display. The ramp for the cars becomes the unifying element that determines the shape of the building and the layout of the spaces inside.It becomes part of the experience of the space; there is no barrier between what the showroom is displaying and the potential customers, as they are allowed to look and, even test a car right in the same space.
When entering the building, the first notion will be the test car ramp start area. The ramp itself will bring customers to drive in the ground level to the outside of exteriors into 2nd Floor. While driving through the ground level, customers get the views of car display areas and bar & lounge.
When test car arrives at 2nd leel, customers concludes with experience in the car and get off to move to the next step of experience which are material & spec displays. Customers can walk around from 2nd Level to ground level by their own feet.